Work With Us

Work With Us

Where work amalgamates fun!

Bodhi Greens offers diverse opportunities for individuals passionate about health, wellness, and hospitality.


If you're seeking valuable experience in the field of health and wellness, we offer internship opportunities. Write to us at to explore possibilities.

We also offer internships in our Kitchen at the restaurant in Dharamkot, Dharamshala. The minimum term for an internship in the kitchen is three months, and you can choose if you’d like to be in the Bakery, Pizza, Sushi, Health Bar or the Hot Kitchen stations. 

Job Openings:

We're always on the lookout for dynamic individuals to join our team. Write to us at if you'd like to work with us in the kitchen, in the service at the restaurant, or in our residential retreat programs. 

Currently we are looking for the following positions:

  1. Restaurant Service Staff
  2. Head Chef

Thank you for considering Bodhi Greens as a platform for your skills and passion. We look forward to working with you.